Please reach out if you cannot find an answer to your question.
If you're a storyteller with a great idea, we can help you write your one-pager and script faster and better. Then create storyboards to illustrate the emotional impact of your words in images and animated movement for the big screen.
Yes, on the Script page click the file upload icon to the right of the scene headings, and select Upload Script. This will retain proper screenplay formatting style. You can upload using different file formats, including text, Final Draft (.fdx) and .Fountain (used by Celtx and other apps).
Click the icon in the top-left of the page to return to the Projects menu. Then, select a project to export. Click the Export button and select any/all files to download (PDF). To download your script in other formats like text or Fountain (for use in Final Draft or Celtx), download from the Script page clicking the icon to the right of the style headings.
No Refunds. Sign up now to access our Basic version at no cost using only your email address. This plan provides you with AI-powered features on our Plot, Character, and Act creator pages. For enhanced functionality and an AI Chatbot, our Premium plan is available at $19.99 USD per month, offering advanced AI generation on our Beat Sheet, Script Editor, and Storyboard Creator, along with a monthly refresh of limited image and video generation capabilities (approx. 250 images and 10 videos per month currently). Read more here soon for additional terms coming soon to Saga:
You own all ideas and content made on Saga. We do not use your work to retrain any AI models, so it's secure and private just for you and we won't recommend your ideas to anyone else. Read more here soon for additional terms offered by Saga in writing (and with customer acceptance required) coming Summer 2025:
We charge a monthly subscription, and as part of that include a limited number of image and video generations, which refreshes again after each month of usage (approx. 250 images and 10 videos per month on Premium). Our free plan offers limited text generation.
Please use the contact form below to submit your bug to our support. Please attach a screenshot if you can, and be sure to describe first what you were expecting and then what you ended up with in Saga. Including the steps you took which we can retry to reproduce the issue helps our support diagnose any bugs. We can respond back by email if you ask for help with anything related to Saga.
We may block generation based on your text prompt and inputs, like if your film contains X-Rated text or unsuitable topics. Saga is intended for filmmakers who want to produce and release mainstream feature films (no pornography or offensive content that wouldn't meet the MPA R-rating). We reserve the right to block the Saga app from generating unacceptable content, as do our API providers like OpenAI and StabilityAI (plus obeying current and future laws).
The name of our company is CYBERFILM.AI CORPORATION, and we make the Saga app. CYBERFILM is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
We love our customers, so feel free to contact us about anything.